Users, Computer, Groups
Users Enumeration
Get user in a Domain
Get Admins in a Domain
Filter by username
Grab the cn
(common-name) from the list of users
(common-name) from the list of usersGet actively logged users on a computer (needs local admin rights on the target)
List all properties
Display when the passwords were set last time
Display when the accounts were created
Get the list of users
Get the list of users with properties
List samaccountname
and description for users
and description for usersGet the list of users from cn
common-nameGet the list of users from name
Displays when the password was set
List samaccountname
, lastlogon
, pwdlastset
, lastlogon
, pwdlastset
Get list of usernames and their groups
Get description field from the user
Get SID for users
Basic user enabled info
Find users with sidHistory
setFind local admin access on domain machines
Find all machines on the current domain where the current user has local admin access
This can also be done with remote administration tools like WMI and PowerShell remoting.
Useful when ports (RPC and SMB) used by
are blocked.
Kerberoasting Enumeration
ASREPRoastable users
Kerberoastable users
Groups Information
List groups and their details
Get AdminSDHolders
Computer Enumeration
Basic computer enumeration
Get Computer name and OS
Get computers with specific OS
DCs appear but aren't useful for privilege escalation
Find computers with Constrained Delegation
Find machine accounts in privileged groups
List all the local groups on a machine (needs admin privileges on non-DC machines)
Get members of all the local groups on a machine (needs admin privileges on non-DC machines)
Get actively logged users on a computer (needs local admin privileges)
Get locally logged users on a computer (needs remote registry rights on the target)
Get the last logged users on a computer (needs admin rights and remote registry on the target)
Get computer operating system and other important info
Find computers where a domain admin (or specified user/group) has sessions
Find computers where a domain admin session is available and current user has admin access
Find computers (File Servers and Distributed File servers) where a domain admin session is available
Shares Enumeration
Search readable shares
Groups and Members Enumeration
Basic group enumeration
Get all groups containing "admin" in the group name
Get all members of the "Domain Admins" group
Query the root domain for "Enterprise Admins"
Get group membership for user "grey"
List all group members in the "Users" group with full data
Get all groups that contain "admin" in the group name
Get all members of the "Domain Admins" group
Get group membership for "grey"
Get computers and their Operating Systems
Test connectivity for each computer in the domain
Enumerate Domain Groups
Last updated