Module 1 (General Info)

About Pentest

Booting Up Kali Linux:

download the official Kali Linux 64-bit (amd64) VMware virtual machine (VM)18 and the VMware software you choose to use

To change the password, click on the terminal icon and issue the built-in passwd command:

kali@kali:~$ **passwd**
Changing password for kali.
(current) UNIX password:
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully

Offensive-Security Tools

  1. Kali Linux

  2. Kali NetHunter ⇒ Moblie app ISO Can install Using Rootless or Root Your Phone

  3. Exploit Database

  4. Google Hacking DB

  5. Exploit DB Security Papers

  6. Exploit DB ShellCode

  7. Metasploit

Offensive Security Certifications.

OSCP Level

OSWP Level

OSWE level

OSCE level

OSEE level

